Push Notifications with Firebase and Swift

David Seek
5 min readJan 29, 2021

Find more useful articles at www.davidseek.com

Push Notifications have always been a big subject. You can find countless threads on Stackoverflow, videos on YouTube, and even entire books on them.

To keep the scope of this article centric around a specific problem, we need to make assumptions. For the sake of this article, I will assume that you have a solid understanding of Swift, you understand the theory of how Push Notifications work, and how Firebase works in general.

Recently, my mentee was struggling with her application and the desire to set up remote notifications. Since her application uses Firebase as a backend, I helped her implement notifications. This article will walk you through the process.

The Scope

What we’re trying to accomplish is the following: We have a to-do app and we want to send every user a notification reminding them of their open to-do tasks, every morning.

  1. We want localized notifications for English and Spanish speaking users.
  2. We need to prepare the iOS application to receive notifications.
  3. Firebase Cloud Functions will be used to create the payloads.
  4. Google Cloud Scheduler will be used to set up daily CRON jobs.

